What's more torturous as history
Making learning it a misery
Full of years and periods
Memorizing everyone of the Dravid's
Of King Louis and Henry
And Elizabeth,the both
Of Colbert and Wellesley
And Dupleix and Dalhousie
What's in it for us
To know of our miserable history...
When wars and battles
Innumerable fought...
Thousands died
And treaties signed
Only to be broken again.
Money was taken...
Palaces were looted,
Monuments were destroyed,
And Queens roasted themselves,
Beautiful things have gone
Because of all those people
Innumerable lives have gone
Their wailing and shrieks still echo through my books...
Do we need remembrance of all these horrors?
No! We should forget the past
Or atleast learn from their mistakes
But as we do neither
We're condemned to the same terrors..
Men and their Egos
Making playgrounds of whole countries...
People toiling for freedom
In so called great kingdoms
The story of India is a sad one
And to have heard it once is enough
No more! No more I say,
Of all the blood shed
Wars between kith and kin
Leading only to more sin
For want of more land...
Land...Land is free
So are its people...
But they-their egos
Never agreed or knew.
Now here we all stand
Divided because of them,
Wars between religions still continue
From times old and new.
We should stop all of this,
And start afresh,
Open a new book,
And write a new story
To forget our terrible history....