Monday, January 16, 2006

School Stuff.


This whole post is about women and their problems and whaevvaaa.. we did a skit in school on this and bagged the best assembly prize for it this year.. so heres the script which I had prepared for that skit … it had great music too from safri duo RISE.. used goldwave to make a great mix … we were a hit..

India has been enjoying freedom for the past 58 yrs but Indian women have slowly attained it only in the last few years and though the struggle against the constraints of poverty, religion and society, is not yet over, women are being awarded gradually with more equal rights.
So, here we are, the students of XII D to show you a few glimpses into the journey of women who have traveled long and weary roads to attain freedom. A journey that has taken centuries to end.

Let us now see the Indian woman take the steps towards freedom, through the pages of history….
We shall first see the traditional woman of the 1900’s and there she comes, walking with her head bent- an embodiment of humility, self-sacrifice and fear. Her face hidden behind a veil, she does not even have the freedom to feel the breeze against her face. Just like the women who fought for freedom then, she too tries to remove her veil, but alas! Society does not allow her and her meek spirit goes down never to have a glimpse of freedom.
Next, comes the woman of the 1950’s, she has shed the veil but she still does not have the courage to lift her head high and walk bravely. Like the women of her time she tries to break the shackles of tradition and lifts her head but she was not strong enough for Society which punished her and she too goes down without a breath of freedom.
Finally, we shall see the young women of this era; there they come, icons of self-confidence, yet Society tries to stop them but these strong-spirited women triumph and Society bows in respect of their courage.
We should never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. These women bring sense, confidence and courage to the minds and hearts of all the women around them. Together, they rise up against all norms of tradition, society and poverty, to break the chains of discrimination and prove that women can do things as well as men and some even better.
Woman! You are an embodiment of sacrifice, silent suffering, humility, faith and knowledge. Know your strength and capabilities and as Helen Keller said, “Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
Thus, the objective of Modern India should be to enhance the self-image and self-confidence of women; to create an environment where women can seek knowledge and information which empowers them to play a positive role in society and in the world at present. Because the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world!

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Arts group editorial - School Magazine.

The impudence or looking down upon the students of the Arts & Humanities group is not an isolated phenomenon that occurs only in Coimbatore or Tamil Nadu, it is an issue for there are instances of such disrespect throughout the country. This article contains inputs from students across various strata of society and regions such as Delhi, Mumbai, Itanagar, Pune, Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Cochin etc., Everywhere Arts group students are dogged by the question, "Oh no! Why did you take the Arts group?" I do not claim that everyone has a bad opinion of the Arts group, but there does seem to be a more prodigious number of people who seem to dismissive of an Arts student than the few who are not.


Most of us joined this group well-aware of the general disparagements that we may receive from the people who seem to be intrinsically dismissive of the Arts group. The parents are themselves sceptical about the future of the children entering the Arts group, but the general opinion amongst the students is that choosing the group must be based on the student's own personal and logical predilections and not that of their well-meaning parents. One ought to remove the entrenched belief that only dull students take the arts group. The older generation must probably be thinking that we have an outstanding karmic payload on our heads to have "suffered" to take the Arts group in this life cycle. Many others think that taking the Arts group is a pre-requisite to "nobody-dom". There are people, even teachers who had considered the fact that I had taken the Arts group as a piece of childish rebellion. When will people come to understand that we are ensconced in our own goals and desires- a zest to achieve and that being in the arts group helps us to set a path towards realizing our greatest dreams. These days each Arts student has to be demonically clever to adroitly deflect such discouraging questions triggered by the airing of ill-disguised innuendos by well-meaning relatives.


I do not know why people, more so the parents are unduly infatuated with the professions of a Doctor and an Engineer. It is a known fact that barring a few, most people who have passed out of these professional courses are redundant. There is a multitude of professions out there in the world but there seem to be too many people who are in a deep comatose funk about that fact. I can only hope that someday people might broaden their perspectives about education and the resulting professions.

There will always be those inequitable gaps overcoming the genteel intimacy between the Science students and the Commerce students. Many a student has ruefully admitted that it would have been a wiser choice to join the Arts group. But their attitudes tend to be capricious: one moment they regret their choice and the next, they become fiercely protective. Anyway, one has to understand its naturally incumbent of a student to defend his subject fiercely. Though, we may not be associated with the trappings that become a Science student, we do acquiesce the woes of our brethren who study Science. I therefore,do not think its wrong to ask for a little more encouragement and praise for Arts students, as it may contribute greatly to their progress.

It would not be right on my part to utilize formal rhetoric to change your opinions by citing a litany of the difficulties we also do face, but whatever group we take it does not undermine the basic edifice upon which all of us stand that is " KNOWLEDGE IS POWER". Our school definitely provides a prodigious wealth of learning, it just depends on how one utilizes the wealth. Finally we shall see who will succeed and who will flounder in this much touted competition called life and the tangled web that it weaves.

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